Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Enough already...

If I hear Bruce Springsteen's rendition of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town one more time, I think I might scream.

Also, if I hear the phrase Reason for the Season one more time, a similar response can be expected.

That is all.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

people are dumb

That's not a peace sign, dummies. That's mercedes logo.

Dairy Products...Beware!

An innocent trip to the Decatur beerfest, prompted a protest letter by my gf. She's good at protest letters. Really. Yes, she's been to PETA rallies until she realized that they were a tad on the militant side. She once wrote Rosie O'Donnell protesting leather jacket week (or something similar) on The Rosie O'Donnell Show. Rosie sent her back an autographed picture. We still have it. Needless to say, the girl should have been alive in the 60s.

Back on point, so gf and B were at the beerfest and were sampling a local brew by the name of "Donkey Punch." The guy serving it made some suggestive comment regarding the phrase donkey punch, which they were clueless about. That is until they got home and we googled donkey punch and found out that it is a term for...well...just look it up.

So, CJ is up in arms and send the brewery this letter:

DonkeyPunch. It's not an appropriate name. I thought it was fine and associated it with a high gravity, must feel like you're getting kicked in the head, until I was at the beer fest and a volunteer was serving some of the barley wine to a friend of mine and made an inappropriate joke which tipped us off that perhaps there was another meaning behind the name of your latest. Beer should be fun. I don't think that promoting violence during sex is fun or should even be nodded to as fun even in jest. I'm a long time supporter of Sweetwater brand and love all your brews and I think that you are a staple of Atlanta, but you should consider changing the name of your barley wine to something less offensive. It's easy to get lost in the male dominated world of beer, and lose sight of "the line" but it is there, and I think you have crossed it. I'm very disappointed in the name selection and hope that you will change it and be more careful in the future.

Rock on, sistah. And not to let an opportunity pass me by, I penned the following letter:

Dear Dairy Producers of the World,

Half and Half. Milk and cream. Innocent enough, right? Not so fast, dairy people. I learned from Cops that half and half is a term used by women of the night meaning sex in the missionary position and fellatio. The last thing I want to think of while enhancing my morning beverage is some skank giving a John a BJ, mmmkay?

Some name alternatives might be extra-creamy, no. How about milky cream….uh, scratch that. Well, coming up with a new name is really your problem.

I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

And lest you think that our grievances only relate to beverages, we are planning a campaign against Beanie Weenies in the very near future.

Viva La Revolucion!

Friday, October 19, 2007

who knew

i am obsessed with pink.

and not the color.

i go through phases where i fixate on a song and play it...non-stop. as in put it on repeat and leave it on all day. i did that a couple of weeks ago with pink's "who knew" and kanye west's "stronger." i listened to those 2 songs continuously all day long. and i never got tired of them. it's weird.

don't you hate it when you love a song and can't sing it? like physically can't hit the notes. i hate that. i wish i had pink's voice...all rhaspy and such. once after i had the flu, my voice came close. too bad it didn't stick.

i also like pink because when she sings, she gestures the words. like when she sings when someone said three years from now, she holds up 3 fingers. when she sings, i'd stand up and punch them out, she balls up a fist. i do that. on 285. people think i'm flipping them off probably. but i'm not. i'm singing with my fingers.

just like pink.

who knew?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Don't call me...

...between the hours of 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. EDT, for I will be glued to the TV watching the Season Premiere of one Grey's Anatomy.

CJ is not a Grey's fan, so she has been given strict instructions that she cannot talk or ask questions during the show. She is considering vacating the premises. Smart girl.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Typical Saturday Night

I don't care if he [R. Kelly] is a pedophile, that song is awesome!

It's a brown out!

B likes short pants!

Do your pants dance, B! (B's response: They're jeans not pants!)

It's a little wet.

It starts with an A. Google jodie + foster + rape.

When I'm in an elevator by myself, sometimes I do a karate kick like this.

It's a bi-plane! ::giggle, giggle::

You have your mouth open in every picture.

No double-chin!

Who's sober enough to drive to Dairy Queen? ::silence::

Friday, September 21, 2007

Be the person your Mom thinks you are...

This is a letter my Mom wrote to Chris' grandmother on finding out that we weren't just "roommates."

September 19, 2007

Dear Ruth and Connie,

Ruth, I am sorry that I had to cut our conversation short on Friday. I had that early morning appointment with my doctor. My thyroid was “out of whack” and he had upped my medication to adjust it. He said it was working OK and just stay on the same dosage of synthyroid.

I hope your inner ear trouble is not bothering you too much this week. Gail Moss, who used to live next door to me, had the same trouble. I saw how she suffered with it. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better and are able to enjoy this beautiful week of fall-ish weather. I certainly have enjoyed it. I am trying to catch up with yard work (if there is such a thing). It was just too hot back in August to work much outside.

I have found the catalogue that I told you about and am enclosing it. I marked the page the dog beds started on with a paper clip. There are so many things in those catalogues that I would like to have, but you can get carried away when it comes to buying things for your pets, can’t you? It is like buying for your kids, I think.

I had been intending to write to you since Jennifer told me that you were aware of her and Chris’s relationship. Jennifer called me that night that you all spoke to each other. She and Chris were both relieved and happy about it. I always told Chris that I believed you knew about it. It does make it so much more comfortable for the whole family to know, so you can relax and not have to watch every word you say, afraid you will say the wrong thing.

Connie and I have talked before about it and how we dealt with it. For me, as you probably know, our oldest daughter, Diana is in a relationship with a girl. I should say, woman, as they are grown women. Diana and Shelly have been together for almost ten years now. Shelly is a wonderful young woman. She is a great teacher of the eighth grade over in GA. We love her as one of our own , as we do Chris.

I would have liked for their lives to have been easier, but I accept their choices. I feel they are born into this life the way they are. I don’t believe it is a choice they have. I love all of my children and just want them to be happy. I couldn’t be prouder of our little family. They are all good human beings and bring a lot of love and happiness to us.

I would have liked to have had more grandchildren, as Connie told me that was one of the things she felt the loss of. We have one grandson, Alex. He is the light in our lives. But, I don’t dwell on what I don’t have, and feel grateful for what I do.

I had told Connie what a wonderful young person Chris is. I will tell you that she is so sweet and we love her very much. She is so talented and smart. We are so proud of her in all she has accomplished. You have a special young lady in her as your daughter and granddaughter. Gordon and I marvel at what they have been able to accomplish with buying their home and making such good decisions in all of their business matters. They are two very grounded young people.

I hope you will consider us part of your extended family and will call on us if you need us. We are here for you all if you need us for anything.

I love your place over there and hope to come and see you all again. Maybe one weekend when Jen and Chris are over there, we can drop by. You all take care.



And before you ask, yes, I do know how lucky I am.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

one week from tomorrow...

Season Premiere of Grey's Anatomy!! Woot!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What about your friends...

1 Hot Dog, 1 Slice of Cheese Pizza, 1 Pack of Scalding Hot Boiled Peanuts, 1 Pack of Cracker Jack, 1 Coke, and 2 Beers: $315.97

A night at the ballpark making inappropriate "nut" jokes, screaming at 18-year old girls for t-shirts we had no chance of getting, making fun of barbie doll twins, rooting on the drill, hoping for once they put the kiss-cam on a lesbian couple, explaining to B the phenonmenon of K-mart feet, wincing as CJ does her pterodactyl call, and singing The Brady Bunch theme song in the worst neighborhood in Atlanta with three of my favorite people on the planet: priceless.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Bux

That's my nickname for Starbucks. The depth of my trendiness is endless. If you remember, I blogged a couple of weeks ago about how I was all intimidated about ordering at Starbucks. See, I was using fast food ordering as my template....size, drink of choice, and extras. As examples:

  • large coke with extra ice

  • medium orange drink with no ice

  • small sweet tea with lemon

As an aside, I don't understand why anyone would order that orange drink that's been recycling in that aqarium-type contraption since 1978, but I'm not one to judge.

Back to my point, Starbucks doesn't follow this standard way of ordering and I found myself feeling all self-conscious when ready to order my favorite beverage. Chris even brought me a pamphlet from Starbucks instructing patrons on how to order. Well, I studied this carefully and practiced over and over again while behind the lead car in the drive-thru. Then the chocolate brown Lexus pulled away and I advanced. My palms got all sweaty and my mouth dried slightly as the speaker crackled to life:

It's a great day at Starbucks, what can I start for you this morning?

For a split second, I panicked. I had the urge to bolt, but that would have involved rolling over the aforementioned Lexus, Bigfoot-style. Certainly an option, but not necessarily practical. Then I took a deep breath, centered myself, closed my eyes and out it came:

Iced tall nonfat mocha

Confetti fell from the sky, trumpets bleated, and the Starbucks baristas hoisted me on their shoulders in an impromtu celebration of my accomplishment. And I can say with all honesty, it was the best damn iced tall nonfat mocha I've ever had.

It really is the simple things in life, people.

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's the little things, really...

SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. -- The discovery of several suspicious items Friday morning forced the evacuation of a post office in Sandy Springs. Police also shut down part of Glenridge Drive while they checked out the items. A visitor to the post office found 10 to 15 mason jars filled with an unknown, brown liquid, a picture of President Bush, a homeland security pamphlet and a stuffed Santa Claus doll. The Cobb County Bomb Squard was called in. They used a robot to remove the doll from the scene. Police said they do not believe the doll is a threat. Officers are now checking out the jars of liquid to see if they are dangerous. The area is still shut down while the investigation continues.

God help me, but this cracks me up. The image alone of poor Santa in the grasps of that bomb-sniffing's comedy gold, people, and it's what I live for.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pep Talk

I will swim today.
I will swim today.
I will swim today.

Who cares if I look like an alien in my swim cap and goggles?
Who cares if I have to sit in the hot tub with large, often hairy, men while waiting on a lane to open up?

Who cares that I can really only make it 3/4 of the way across the pool before collapsing with exhaustion?

Who cares that I'm the only one wearing orange floaties on my arms? (Not really, silly people!)


I will swim today.
I will swim today.
I will swim today.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Heaven Help Me

This was my jam back in the day! It's Deon Estus, who was bassist for Wham! and later George Michael (who I LOVED when I was a teenager. I'm talking about posters on the wall, people!) In fact, that's George singing background. Deon decided to put out a solo record and unless I am mistaken, this was it's one hit. I remember I recorded this song off of the radio (WZYP in Huntsville, AL). They introduced it as a new George Michael song. I'm sure Deon would have loved that.

Sing it with me...

Heaven help me talk to strangers
Heaven help me over you
I can seem to take these changes
Everything reminds my heart of you

I also love the fact that this video is from Night Tracks. Do you remember that show?? I think it was on TBS on Friday nights. Yep, here 'tis: Night Tracks. I freaking love the internet. Night Tracks is not to be confused with Friday Night Videos which was on ABC. MTV put them both out of business.

Oh, hold the damn phone people.

How Can I Fall

Breathe, 1988. Need I say more?

This video is total late 80's. Ah, another summer day in the city. Some kind of block festival. Stick ball. Girl in hat with puppy (let's call her Susan) flirts with cute stick-ball batter (Rick). Big-haired friend of girl (Gina) is with jerk stick-ball pitcher (Vinnie...who looks strangely like Scott Stapp from Creed). Vinnie gets mad because Rick gets a home run off of one of his pitches. But really Vinnie, you throw like a girl. Vinnie takes his attitude out on Gina, who tries to slap him. Vinnie has had it! He turns over a nearby table and storms off! Of course the block party gets rained out. But Susan and Rick don't care. They dance in the rain. Meanwhile, Vinnie and Gina pout separately. Moral of the story: It's just stickball, for chrissakes.

Check out the lead singer's (Gayer McHomosexual) tight Levi's pulled up to his navel and that tapestry vest! I think I had that very outfit.

No boxes for you!

So, I've been surronded by laptops all week. Blue screens of death, overrheating, bad hard name it, I've seen it. Yesterday, I was working on 4 laptops at once. I had them spread out all over my office and I kept bouncing back and forth, updating, installing, drop kicking. You know, the usual stuff.

Important point: these laptops were sent to me by employees that work either out of their homes or other branches. So, for each laptop there was a box that each laptop was sent to me in. These aren't any old boxes. They are specially outfitted with preformed styrofoam packaging that protects each precious machine. And I had 4 of them neatly stacked in front of my desk. So, I walk in this morning and noticed that my office looked really neat. Peculiarly so. And I recall yesterday afternoon thinking, "The first thing I'm going to do in the morning is clean this place up!" Then it hit garbage can is empty...housekeeping came! Wait, where are my laptop boxes? That mother-effer threw them away!!! How can you throw away someone's laptop boxes!!! They weren't near the garbage can!!! You don't throw away anything unless it's in or near the garbage can. And if it's near the garbage can, don't throw it away unless it has 'GARBAGE' written on it. Now, I'm going to have to go to Office Depot and buy boxes and bubble wrap so that I can send these back out again!

Why me?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Starbucks..Emphasis on the 'bucks"

$4 for a Grande Iced Mocha? Highway robbery!

And why is it that they make you feel stupid when you order something? I always say:

1 grande iced mocha with whipped cream

And they repeat it back to me, but never in the same order. I've tried to figure it out and order it correctly the next time, but they always just snicker and repeat it back to me a different way. It's like their speaking in snobby highly caffeinated tongues. They say something crazy like:

Mocha grande 1 iced whip!

They don't even say "whipped cream"'s whip. They are too cool to fully pronounce words.


But I'm halfway through this grande iced mocha (no whip!), and I'm feeling the love. These things should be illegal 'cause I feel like could take on the world right now. Who am I kidding, give me 15 minutes, and I'll crash and be curled up in a fetal position on my desk.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's A Hurricane...ooh Flossie Flossie

Hurricane Flossie skirted just south of Hawaii last night. This is only blog worthy to me because of the name...Flossie. Everytime I hear it, I think of that Fergie song, Glamorous. No, not the one where she's comparing her lover to her binky, the one that goes like this:

We flyin' first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' my life
In the fast lane
But I won't change
For the glamorous
Ooh, the flossy flossy

For those of your who are urban-slang challenged, flossy means flashy or showy. So, you can see where I make the connection. What can we expect next? Tropical Storm FoShizzleMyNizzle? Typhoon BlingBling?

Monday, August 13, 2007

fast food rant

If you know anything about me and my love for the efficiency of fast food...separate orders are a cardinal sin. I effing hate separate orders!!!! If you and your office mates decide to send someone out for McDonald's, total your order, and divide that shit, people. Unless Tammy, the receptionist with the eating disorder, goes crazy with the 2 apple pies for $1, and gets 14, you're not going to be out a whole lot of cash. And if there is just no way around it and separate orders are a must (as in my case), take that shit inside. DO NOT DO SEPARATE ORDERS AT THE DRIVE THRU!! The drive thru is for, "I'll have a #1 with a coke." Period. Next! And no elaborate special orders in the drive thru either. I can handle no pickles. But people get crazy.

Moron: I want a #1 except I don't want onion, tomato, cheese, or meat. Wait, I do want meat but I want the quarter pound patty, not the regular patty. And I don't want salt on my fries. And I want that value-sized, but not the drink. I want a small drink. Orange drink with no ice.


And I understand that our fast food workers (God Bless 'em) are not always 100% accurate. I understand the need to check an order. But for the love of all things holy in this great land of ours, keep your self parked and check your order so that if something is missing, you can address the issue promptly. They will probably have you pull around to the front. It's easy! DO NOT PULL HALFWAY OUT OF THE DRIVE THRU LANE TO DISCOVER THAT THEY FORGOT YOUR EXTRA TARTAR SAUCE AND THEN YELL, 'HEY, YOU FORGOT MY TARTAR SAUCE!' I AM ON MY LUNCHBREAK, AND I DRIVE A JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE! THIS THING COULD DIE ANY MINUTE! YOU ARE HINDERING ME FROM GETTING MY LUNCH IN A TIMELY MANNER! TAKE THAT SHIT INSIDE!

I'm so not lovin' it.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

1 Degree of Separation

I'm surrounded by the famous folk. Here's the skinny:

They are filming a movie across the street from our house. Making good use of that abandoned gas station by turning it into a redneck-y liquor store. I'm sure our property value with skyrocket when this gem comes out! Sarcasm aside, this movie stars:

Leann Rimes! And can I just say, "Dayyyuuuuuuummmm, Leann grew up!" But wait, there's more. Also starring in this blockbuster:

Dylan...err, I mean Luke Perry! Bitch please, don't act like you didn't watch 90210.

And if the movie stars right outside my house aren't enough, last night at a local Decatur coffee shop, Chris and I spotted none other than:

Chuck Roberts from CNN Headline News! Ok, so I guess you kind of have to a news geek to know who he is. I kept staring at him knowing he was "somebody." He was on his laptop surely working on a breaking news story. Probably on my final famous connection:

The Avondale Estates python! I know what you're thinking, but it's only a matter of time before that snake its popping it's head out of my toilet.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Snakes & Gas Grills

Yeah, I know it's been awhile, but hey...the magic comes when the magic comes, people. And oh, did the magic come this weekend.

Backyard Fun or the Hand of the Devil? You decide!

So first, I almost killed my girlfriend with a gas grill. We were grilling out Sunday night making one of Rachael Ray's 30 minute meals from Episode 1501 titled Sounds Appetizing. The night before, the grill got wet, so when I went to fire it up Sunday, it was a no go. I tried to light it several times with the igniter button...nothing. I kept turning the gas off so that it wouldn't build up, when out walks Chris.
Chris: What's going on?
Me: I can't get the grill to light.
Chris: I'll be right back.

She comes back with a book of matches. Let me just say...gas scares me. I don't like it. Yes, it's more convenient that charcoal, but I don't like it. We have a gas stove in our house. Again, I don't like it. So, I said, "you need to use this little wand thingy." It's a metal rod attached to the grill that you can put the match on so that you are standing AT A DISTANCE when you put the lit flame near the flammable gas. Either she didn't hear me or didn't care. Because I turned on the gas, she lit a match, and I begin to form the thought...this isn't such a good idea...when WOOOOOOOOOOOF! Fireball engulfs Chris. I turn away, then collect myself and run up to her repeating the frantic, "Are you ok, Are you ok?" only to see the hair from her arm, eyelashes, and top of her head have been singed. We're not talking Michael Jackson Pepsi commercial circa 1984, but it was scary nonetheless. I blame myself because I know better than to do that! Anxiety breeds extreme safety, people. To avoid such tragedies in the future, I am currently looking on Ebay to find a fire-proof suit for our next stint at outdoor grilling.

Second, as I type this, there is a 75-80% chance that there's a 7 foot python hanging out in our crawl space. And I'm sure he isn't this cute...

Last night I was watching the evening news, when they teased a story about a 7 foot boa constrictor spotted in a local Atlanta neighborhood. Ha ha, I thought, sucks to be you! So, I stick around to hear the rest of the story. The polished news lady says, "There is a 7 foot boa constrictor on the loose in Avondale Estates." My ears perk because Avondale Estates is not that far from us. So apparently, the snake is approximately 7 feet long and as big around as a thigh...not a chicken thigh, but like a burly man thigh. They were interviewing kids asking what they would do if they saw this snake. Most said they would run and scream, but you gotta love the one boy who said he would smack it in the head with a shovel. I joked with Chris that I thought we were okay unless the snake found it's way to Memorial and hung a right. Ha Ha...look at me, I'm witty. Well, today, I started thinking about Mr. Boa Constrictor, so I went to and started reading:

Avondale's breakaway boa constrictor might not be a boa after all. The sneaky snake, spotted in the DeKalb County town last week, is more likely to be a Burmese python, one expert says.

Comforting, really.

[Mr. Python] was seen in a wooded area off Dartmouth Road near Forrest Hills Elementary School. Three workers searched a several acre-sized area for about three hours Friday, but turned up nothing.

Wait, did that say Forrest Hills Elementary? We live in Forrest Hills. I did a frantic google map search, and Forrest Hills Elementary is a whopping .8 miles from our house. Some reverse directions reveal that all Mr. Python would have to do is head south on Forrest Blvd. for 121 ft, Turn Right and proceed on N. Carter Road for .7 miles, and make another right onto Columbia Drive for .1 miles before arriving at his destination AKA our house. And if he takes MARTA, we're screwed.

Monday, June 18, 2007


It's 10:39 a.m. on a Monday morning, and I'm high. It's not what you think, people. I'm no druggie. I'm high because I took a Xanax last night to ensure that I got a good night's sleep, and it kicked my ass. It all stems from the fact that my doctor wrote the prescription wrong. Instead of .05 mg, I got .5 mg. For those of you that are decimally challenged: .5 is bigger than .05. So, I popped this magic pill around 10:30 p.m. The last thing I remember was lying on Chris' shoulder watching her do a word search puzzle. I'm searching for Kissimmee (the theme was cities that begin with K). And can I just say that there should be a law agains words being both diagonal and backwards. That makes my head hurt, mmkay? The next thing I know it's 3 a.m., and I'm waking up from a nightmare involving lost shoes, a car chase, and bitch slapping someone's mama. Not that the dream is all that strange for me. My dreams are weird, drugs or no drugs. Oh, you would like to hear the details? Certainly!

It all starts with my friends B & C. Although, B is not B, she's one of my friends from high school, Lara. (People from high school regularly make appearances in my dreams.) So, really it's Lara and C. C really is C, by the way. So, it starts out with C and I going to B's (but really Lara's) parents house. For some reason, my shoes are there, and I need to get them. It was as if I spent the night there and left my shoes. So, I go in the house and I can't find my shoes. I'm asking her parents where they are, but they aren't helpful at all. The Dad finally says, "We hid them because you're a Republican." So, I tell C, "Let's get out of here." We get in C's car which is an old convertible something. We start backing out of the driveway, and the Dad comes out of the house and starts yelling at us not to come back. I turn around and yell, "Fuck off, you SOB!" Then, the Mom and Dad jump in a green truck and start chasing us. I tell C, "Step on it!" She starts giggling nervously and hits the gas which takes us up to a whopping 25 mph. I pull out my cell phone and try to dial 911, but the call won't go through. (This is another recurring theme in my dreams...problems dialing phones in emergency situations). I keep telling C that she needs to go faster, but that's as fast as it gets. We decide to ditch the convertible and try to escape on foot. All of a sudden we're at the top of a mountain looking down on the valley below, and I say, "Look, there's Taco Mac...we're getting close." About that time we run into a ballroom type place, and as I'm about to make my way out the back door, the Mom grabs me and says something that I can't hear or can't understand. I say, "I just want my shoes!" and I haul off and bitch slap her right in the face. Then I wake up.

So, I'm lying there trying to figure out what the hell dream means, and I think I hear a noise. Any time I hear a noise in the middle of the night, I do an animal check. If all the animals are in the room, then I investigate further. If Jack is missing, I assume that he's getting into something, and I fall back asleep. Chris always tries to convince me that any noise I hear is the refrigerator. Car horn, siren, glass's the refirgerator. Anyhow, I do an animal check, and all the animals are in the room fast asleep. I decide to get up and investigate. I usually grab a baseball bat that I keep by me bed, but I am too out of it to prepare. I am literally drunk at this point, so I am stumbling around the house trying to be quiet so as to not wake Chris up or let the would-be burgular know that I'm on to him. A room by room search reveals no burgular, but I do stand at the front door trying to figure out who the extra car across the street belongs to. It's a gay boy couple who we have never talked to. We used to see them both alot, but then slowly we only started seeing the one. We assumed that they broke up, because we stopped seeing the silver sedan in the driveway. But then we noticed that the silver sedan was pulled around in back. AHA, we thought. Did the other guy kill him? Then this green truck ( truck, like from my dream!!) starts showing up on a pretty regular basis, but never parks in the driveway always on the street. Here's what I think, I think the silver sedan gay boy is sick and his partner is taking care of him, but he needs a little something something, so that's where green truck boy comes in, but he feels so guilty carrying on this illicit affair that he refuses to park in the driveway. So, I'm standing at the door last night trying to figure out who the marroon sedan is parked behind the green truck on the street and how that fits into my story. I decide that the gay boy is kinky and is having a threesome with green truck and maroon sedan while poor silver sedan lies in a hospital bed in the den watching QVC. Bastard.

By this time, I'm kind of awake so I turn on the TV and watch Modern Marvels: Welding on the History Channel. I get half way through and pass out again.

So, here I am having sucked down 3/4 of a large sweet tea, and I am still high. My boss came in here earlier and said, "Jeff E. called for you Friday afternoon. He can't get on the internet." I responded with, "Awww...that's too bad for Jeff." Then I sobered up really quick with, "I'll give him a call."

I'm a hop skip and a jump from shaving my head and going to rehab, people. Just say no.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

:P <--- Not me

So, I went to the dentist today, and I got a clean bill of health. No cavities for me! If you don't recall why a simple dental cleaning is blog worthy, feel free to revisit a certain post entitled The Importance of Oral Hygiene.

But actually, something out of the ordinary did happen. The cleaning was over and Dr. G came in to check out my teeth. While she was looking around she said, "You know, we can do something about your tongue." I instantly puff up, "What's wrong with my tongue?" Actually, it came out more like, "Wha wong wi my thon?" She explained, "you're tongue tied." Ok, so once again, I am bearing my soul and defective body parts for you people, I hope you appreciate it. So you know how there is that membrane that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth? Well, I guess mine is a little longer than it's supposed to be. There is a name for it and everything, Anklyoglossia. It can cause speech problems if severe enough, but in my case in just means that I can't stick out my tongue.

[Enter your own "lesbian who can't stick out her tongue" joke here]

Apparently, they can laser that bad boy, and voila, instant Gene Simmons. I said, something like, "Ok, I'll keep that in mind." So then, I called Chris.

Me: You're never going to believe what Dr. G said to me.

CJ: What, more cavities?

Me: No, she said she could laser that thing under my tongue.

CJ: So, when are you doing it?

Me: Wait, wha...

CJ: Let's see, you will probably need someone to drive you home. I'm free anytime next week. I could block out time in May as wait, I've got that big project coming up...oh screw it, this is much more important.

Then I call my Mom who tells me that my sister had her tongue clipped when she was a baby. "I guess yours just wasn't that bad," she says. "Tell that to my girlfriend," I thought.

So, I might be getting my tongue clipped sometime in the near future. I just wonder if it's going to make me talk differently. Or if in the middle of polite conversation, my unencumbered tongue might unfurl onto my plate.

::Sigh:: Why, must these things always happen to me?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The search is over...

I finally decided that since I couldn't find the perfect red t-shirt for GayDay at Disney, that I would just design my own. Here 'tis:The pic is really small, but it's two women with the text "drunk straight girls need not apply" underneath. Although, I do owe getting laid in my early 20's to drunk straight girls. But that's a another t-shirt for another time.

VA Tech

I had the urge to write a post Monday morning whining about how I couldn't sleep Sunday night. I spent the entire night watching the History Channel. But then the shootings at Virginia Tech happened, and bitching about insomnia didn't seem so appropriate.

So, this is just a plea to my blog readers (all 3 of you): can we please stop shooting each other? Can we just make it a little more difficult for someone to walk into a gun shop and buy a 9mm glock? Can we please teach our kids how to deal with anger/rejection/disappointment in a healthy way? And if your 23 year-old college kid is depressed, has no friends, and doesn't talk, get him some fucking help, no matter what the neighbors might think.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

No, not Pavlov's dogs...the other ones

My mother-in-law was in town last week. Simply refer you to my archives...look up November 2006, and you'll get a pretty good idea of how my week was. Truthfully, it wasn't all that bad this time. Other than the underlying tone of misery, the overuse of the word shit, and the threats to move in with us, things went just great. ::clenched smile::

Last time she visited, I was all up in arms, and posting everyday about what she had done. Now, I just don't have the energy. I'm like one of those dogs from the learned helplessness experiments in the 60's. I'll just take the shock. I won't even try to avoid it, much less complain about it.

I do know this, I think a little more time needs to pass before Mommie Dearest comes back to visit. And when she does, there's a lovely Holiday Inn right down the street.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

These are Days

Can I just say that back in 1993 I so wanted to marry Natalie Merchant? I loved her so. It wouldn't have worked though. She wouldn't take too kindly to my conservative (read: NOT REPUBLICAN) ways.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

WTF Moment of the Day

Ok, so I'm sitting here at work minding my own business when there is a knock at the door. If someone knocks, it's usually a sales call. I say, "Come in!" As I am about to give my "We have a policy against solicitors," speech, I notice that it's housekeeping. She seems surprised then says, "Oh, am I early?" I look at the clock and it's 3:30 p.m. Uh yeah, since you usually come after hours.

But whatever, I can go with the flow. If anything, I'm flexible. So, I say, "it's ok, come on in." She does. What I don't realize is that she is on her cell phone. She's talking to her child who apparently had just gotten home from school and is hungry. But that's ok because there's meatloaf in the fridge but no mashed potatoes. I know all this because the entire time she was in here cleaning, she talked on her cell phone. THE ENTIRE TIME. One point, her assistant (aka her teenage son, I know this because when he came in he said, "Mooooom" in that whiny way teenagers do) came in and they had an entire conversation. Something about him wanting to leave and her saying, "What, you don't want to work anymore?" Then, thank God my phone rings so I don't have to sit there and try to look occupied. While I'm on the phone, she comes up behind me and says, EXCUSE ME, so she can put the trash can back under my desk. I'm like, WTF, I'm on the phone!!! This is a business!!! Nevermind that I was talking to my girlfriend at the time. It's the principle of the matter!!

And as I type this, I swear she's right outside my door vacuuming. Oh no wait, now she's mopping and every once in awhile, SLAM, the mop head hits my door. And oh yes, that's the lovely smell of ammonia wafting through the air.

Me and Lady Lysol are going to have words before this is over. I can feel it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

run a carbon black test on my jaw and you will find, it's all been said before

R.E.M. (my favorite band in the world) is being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tonite in New York City. I thought I would take this oppurtunity to list my all-time favorite R.E.M. songs. How exciting for you!

  1. Radio Free Europe (Murmur)
  2. Don't Go Back to Rockville (Reckoning)
  3. South Central Rain (Reckoning)
  4. Superman (Life's Rich Pageant)
  5. Document (The Entire Album)
  6. World Leader Pretend (Green)
  7. Hairshirt (Green)
  8. Losing My Religion (Out of Time)
  9. Automatic for the People (The Entire Album)
  10. What's the Frequency, Kenneth? (Monster)
  11. New Test Leper (New Adventures in Hi Fi)
  12. Be Mine (New Adventures in Hi Fi)
  13. Daysleeper (Up)
And yes, I know all the lyrics to "It's the End of the World as We Know (And I Feel Fine)."

Try me.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Diapers, Canned Air & A Lesbian With Power Tools

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) -- Astronaut Lisa Nowak was fired from NASA on Wednesday, a month after she was charged with trying to kidnap a woman she regarded as her romantic rival for the affection of a space shuttle pilot.

...wait for it...

That's the way the diaper droops. (Ba-dum-bum.)

In other news of the not-so-obvious variety, can I just say how much I love canned air?
Not only have a blasted enough crumbs out of my keyboard to recreate an entire lunch, I have also dusted my entire desk, detailed my car, AND cleaned out my belly button. Although the latter might have left me with a wee bit of frost bite. No biggie though, navel sensation is overrated anyhow.

The view out of my office window is gorgeous today. Nice and sunny. And my trip to lunch confirms that it's warm as well. This is the time of year where I get all inspired to do yard work. I'm planning on doing some planting this weekend, maybe some ground cover in the back yard near Abba Avenue aka Poopy Trail. (Brief explanation, our special needs dog has serious OCD, and when we first got her she wore a path from the deck to her bathroom spot. The path just got worse and worse to where it was almost a trench, so Chris and I finally edged it with about 1000 brick pavers and lined it with 4 inches of mulch. We named it Abba Avenue. Well, since the unfortunate incident with the car running through our yard and the subsequent repairs, Abba refuses to go into the back yard but chooses to poop on her trail, hence the new name Poopy Trail). So, ground covering by Poopy Trail or I might tackle planting some border plants on either side of our walkway in the front yard. The front yard project will involve power tools (i.e. electric edger), so I'm leaning toward that a little.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dang It x 2

I missed the lunar eclipse tonite because I got swept away in cleaning the bathroom. :/

In other news, Dove Chocolates (the ones individually wrapped in foil) are the new crack.

Carry on.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Dang It!

I forgot my lunch again. :/

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Not much to say...

Not alot going on this week, hence the lack of posts. The biggest news of the week:
  • I was weak and signed up for another 2-year agreement with Cingular so that I could get a new phone. It's a kick ass phone, and I'm psyched. Per FedEx tracking, it's on my back porch right now. Whoop whoop!
  • After a mysterious absence, Luda is back working the drive thru at Wendy's. Wha wha? Everybody now:
Watch out my outfit's ridiculous
In the club looking so conspicuous
  • My dog has the uncanny ability to chew the buttons off of shirts without damaging the shirt at all. She's done this twice in the last week. As a result, I spent 2 hours last night doing nothing but sewing buttons. How domestic of me!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

How you doin'?

While getting my lunch at Arby's today, the drive-thru attendant called me honey (twice!) and baby.

Big J loves the fast food and apparently the feeling is mutual.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"And he knew what else he wanted..."

Mr. Bungle. I so remember watching this in elementary school. I used to harass my best friend in our adult years because she didn't remember who he was.

Gotta Love YouTube

Friday, February 16, 2007

You have got to be kidding me...

The Apocalypse is upon us.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Trash bags aren't for licking.

All morning long I have smelled doughnuts. At first, I thought my office mate was hoarding the tasty pastry in his office and not sharing. Then I thought the people down the hall were having a doughnut party and didn't invite me. Next, I thought that I might have a brain tumor, doughnut-shaped, of course. God does have a sense of humor after all.

None of the above. Apparently, when emptying the office trash, housekeeping replaced my trash bag with a vanilla scented variety. A word of caution though, although the vanilla smell is very realistic, the taste...not so much. It's just what I've heard. Not that I know this first hand.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

For My Valentine

Chris and I will be celebrating our 7th Valentine's Day this year. In honor of such, here is an email I wrote her a month or so after we met.

Date: June 10, 999
Subject: 7 minutes before 3:00 a.m.

i can't sleep. not that i don't want to. it's not that i'm not tired. maybe it's that two hour nap i took at 7:45 p.m. ( a really bad time for a nap, don't you think?) or maybe it was the two glasses of tea i drank while i was talking to you at 1:00 a.m. (really bad time for tea, no?) i read your poetry tonite. all of it. maybe that's why i can't sleep. it could be you, i suppose, wandering around through my head. i keep closing my eyes and i keep thinking about what it would be like if you were here. how good it would feel for you to be lying next to me. how i would sleep like a baby then, but probably wouldn't want to if you were here. i know that i must be frustrating with my indecision which i am slowly trying to overcome. i am scared. not of you. not of us, but exactly the opposite. the "not you." the "not us." the absence of what i have felt with you over the past few weeks because it's gone away before, you know. and i don't think i want it to go away. but i am still afraid to let it in. i told you that i couldn't get you out of my head. that was true. but it's not my head that worries me. i don't think it's my head that won't let me sleep at 3:10 a.m. could be that nap though. or the caffeine. or quite

slow is good.

i have no problem with slow.

i just wish slow would hurry up a little.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dear Publix,

As a frequent shopper, I must say that I appreciate your "carryout service," in which your grocery baggers offer to take groceries out to one's car. I have even seen signs discouraging tipping as this is free service you offer. A very nice gesture, indeed.

However, you might want to address the issue of the "overly aggressive bagger" or OAB. The OAB does not ask if they can carry out one's groceries but insist by placing a death grip on the cart and refusing to let go. Is it really necessary that I have to physically wrangle my cart away from the OAB? Shouldn't a "no, thank you, I can manage two cans of soup and mini-pads" suffice?

Just a thought.

Monday, February 12, 2007

For the record...

I am not the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Houston, we have a problem...

I'm sitting here at work listening to Patsy Cline's "Crazy" (I LOVE Patsy Cline!), and I can't help but imagine that the Astronaut could have possibly been listening to the very song on her trek from Houston to Orlando:

Crazy... for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you

No,'re crazy because you put on a diaper, filled your car with the real-life versions of the Clue gameboard pieces, drove 900 miles, and sprayed somebody in the face with pepper spray. When you departed from the space station, did you leave your mind behind, per chance?

Monday, February 05, 2007

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

Not really.

That sappy song by Boys II Men was my high school graduating class' song. I just got word that we're having a 15-year reunion in May. We didn't have a 10-year reunion because the organizers were morons. Not that I would have gone anyway.

I will not be partaking in these festivities either. I have no desire to see these people. I am perfectly happy spying on them from MySpace.

In the ghetto...

I hate my office for the following reasons:
  • Inefficient Heating/Cooling: It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. For the winter months, I have space heaters in each of our offices. But apparently, the building is not wired to handle such loads. Which brings me to my next bullet:
  • I constantly blow fuses. Turn on a heater, run the microwave and KABLOOEY there goes half of the outlets. Look, I live in a 50 year old house, ok? Blown fuses are a fact of life. But in an office building built in 2003? I think not. If I am at home, I can simply reset the breaker. But not at the office, because....
  • We have no building maintenance. He (yes, just one guy) quit about a year ago. Did they replace him? No.
  • I have evidence that Housekeeping is partaking in our drinks/snacks. I found an open bottle of water by the fax machine this morning. I don't drink water, and the other office occupant wasn't in last week. They also rearrange items on my desk.
  • No signage. We've been here for 3 years and we still don't have signage. The only thing that denotes our office from the other string of doors is the marker I created with an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, Microsoft Word, and scotch tape.
I don't know if I can work in such conditions much longer.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Moon Pie Explained!

I know you all are waiting with bated breath to know what my mystery "moon pie" post from yesterday alluded to. And if you didn't really care, can you please just fake some interest? Sheesh!

I was going to try to tough out the poison ivy this time, but as the day went on yesterday, I realized that wasn't going to be possible. The few spots I had on my forearms started spreading to my stomach and back. I was turning into one big whelp. I decided that after work it was time to visit a doc-in-the-box and get a prescription for prednisone. Good stuff: it clears that rash and gives you lots of energy. The downside is that in can cause some slight swelling in your face that gives it the appearance of the otherwise tasty snack cake: the moon pie.

The last time I had the ivy, I got a prednisone shot plus 6 days of the oral variety. Big time moon pie face. And luckily, it just happened to coincide with Pride. I swear there is a picture of me on the parade route where I am smiling and my eyes are completely shut. My face looked like those frisbees the Gay Yellow Pages hand out every year.

So, those of you who know me personally, if you see me over the next few days and I look a little, well, puffy, please try not to stare.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007

Warning: TMI Ahead

Ok, so I have poison ivy, and for only the second time in my life I might add. The first time was last summer when I got this brilliant idea to clear out our fence row of any and all plant life. Two days later, the yard looked great, but me? I was covered with a red bumpy itchy rash. It started on my legs, moved to my arms, then around to my midsection. Actually, it migrated to my midsection while on a 7 hour car trip to Columbia, MO. Poison ivy...not fun. Poison ivy while trapped in a car for 7 hours...really not fun. And yes, I admit, I thought I had contracted a flesh eating bacteria and demanded that we go to the emergency room at 10 o'clock that night. Chris said, "No, we'll take you to a doc-in-the-box in the morning." We arrive at said doc-in-box bright and early the next morning, and sure enough...poison ivy. Steroid shot in the behind, oral steroid pack, oral antihistamine...NEXT! She would have felt really guilty if it was a flesh eating bacteria though...

So, now I have it again. Chris and I were de-ivying our back yard this past weekend and sure enough two days later, I spot the familiar little red bumps on my arm. It's not as bad this time as it is confined to my arms and several little spots on my tummy. Ahem...well, there is one other place. Ok, people, I'm just going to rip it off like a band-aid...quick and virtually pain free:

I think I have poison ivy on my left nipple.

Girls, back me up on this, but barring an infection of the nether-regions, nipple itch is one of the worst of the female itches, no? Ok, so just take your everyday nipple itch and add poison ivy. Oh the humanity!!! Why must these things always happen to me?

Not too far off topic, but Chris and I were watching the L word last night. All I can say is where are these lesbians that have sex in limos and in the bushes upon first meeting??? I can tell you, they were not in Alabama in the mid 90s. The only thing I could lay was down, mmmmmmkaaaay?

In other more PG rated news, I took the hard drive out of our defunct computer and installed it as a slave drive on another PC. I was actually able to retrieve the data (aka our 2005 tax returns) I needed! You may not understand, but to this wannabe computer geek, it was an awesome feeling. I felt like high-fiving myself. And no, not in an attempt to surreptitiously scratch my nipple. Get your mind of my chest, people!

This post is about as random as it gets. Anyways, I have a date with some Caladryl, so I'm out.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Why turkeys don't have recording contracts...

One way I combat my otherwise boring drive to and from work is to turn up the stereo really loud so that when I sing along I can't hear my own voice. A word of warning though, unless you are sure of your vocal ability, turning the music down mid-lyric to see how you really sound is probably not a good idea. In my mind, I sounded just like that girl from Evanescence when I belted out:


Instead, I sounded like a screechy wounded turkey. I seriously think I may have damaged a vocal chord while attempting to throw in some vibrato.

From now on, I'm crankin' it to 11 and leaving it there.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MLK Day?

Since when do we refer to the holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday, MLK Day? I heard 2-3 different news agencies use this yesterday. Jeebus, do we as Americans really have to make everything a cute anacronym?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Jeep is a four letter word

A really bad four letter word...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Yes, she was cold...can I gouge my eyes out now?

So, I was minding my own business this morning, pulling out of my driveway on my way to work. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a human figure standing on the corner at the house across the street from mine. I didn't think anything of it since there is a Marta bus stop in our yard (I know you're green with envy), so it's not unusual to see people standing there. However, as I pause to place my car into drive, my focus grows, and I realize that the figure is a woman who doesn't appear to be wearing pants. As I drive closer, I exclaim out loud, "She's only wearing her underwear!" When I'm right up on her, I realize that this woman is wearing a bathing suit and has no shoes on. She has a bag or something at her feet as if, indeed, she is waiting for the bus. Now, I'm a very practical person, so I try to rationalize this. Maybe she's going to the Y to swim, and she just couldn't be bothered with clothing? Is she training for the "Polar Bear Club," those crazy people who go swimming in the ocean in the dead of winter? Did she have a nervous breakdown while waiting for her carport and fence to be repaired after an unfortunate accident 2 months prior? These thoughts were really bugging me until I get an email from B stating a similarly odd situation. Apparently, on her way to work, on the corner of Peacthree and 14th, she saw a man in bermuda shorts, t-shirt, lei, straw hat, and sunglasses.

It all makes sense now: these two obviously have vacation plans in some tropical locale and are meeting at the airport. Makes sense in my pragmatic head, and I'm sticking to that.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

mama's freaked out.

Tuesday, January 10, 2007, 3:55 p.m.: I blog about desire to have the dilapidated carport that has been lying in my driveway for over 2 months fixed.

Two hours later: I pull into my driveway to see a brand new carport.

Wednesday, January 11, 2007, 10:01 a.m. - I blog about my happiness over the new carport, and state that all I need now is a new fence.

30 minutes later: I get a call from the fence folks scheduling for tomorrow.

::Enter twilight zone music here::

Not to push my luck or anything, but mama would really like to keep her job.

what mama wants...

...mama gets. What did my little eyes spy when I pulled into my driveway last night? You guessed it, a brand spanking new carport. Dreams do come true, people.

Now, mama wants a fence!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What a difference 54 days doesn't make...

Mama needs a new carport.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Needed: Publix's Address

Dear Publix,

Just a suggestion: tortillas should be located in one of two places: 1) the Mexican food aisle or 2) the bread aisle. In this shoppers humble opinion, tortillas should not be located in a darkened back corner of the store by the cottage cheese/yogurt.

Although lapping the store 14 times dodging those god-forsaken SUV-inspired child carts was good exercise, it did nothing for my mental health.

Just a thought.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Needed: Karma's Address

Dear Karma,

I hope this letter finds you well. Please know that although I don't write very often, it certainly doesn't mean I don't care. We've had some interesting times you and me. Why, just the other day, I thought of that time that I drunkenly "borrowed" a pen from Joe's on Juniper. You said, "You rascal, I shall bestow upon you a rash of car accidents!" Three actually. I got the message, Karma...I returned that pen and the accidents stopped. Ahhh...good times.

I feel as though you have graced me with your presence once again. This morning I got a call from the VP of my company telling me that come May, yours truly may no longer be employed with this company. Certainly not what I expected on a Friday. After the shock of that call, I started thinking about you. And I think I know where this is coming from. Yesterday, I sarcastically referred to B as Socrates then proceeded to call her, well....a rocket monkey. Truly, Karma, it was all in jest. But in all fairness, I apologize for my insensitivity. B was simply asking a philosophical question, and I should have treated it with seriousness:

"Is TM night still called TM night when it is not at TM?"

I say, yes. I think TM night has transcended the specific restaurant we happen to be dining at. It's really about the social interaction.

About the rocket monkey thing. Are you familiar with the origins of the space industry? Monkeys were used in the late 1950's in order to demonstrate that humans could safely be sent into space. They were brave pioneers. Without them, where would we be today? See this Wikipedia article on the subject: rocket monkeys are awesome. While you may see it as an insult, it was really a compliment. Despite that, I do apologize publicly to B, or anyone else in her social circle who may have suffered from my comments.

I do hope you will take these sentiments into consideration while deciding my fate. I wish you all the best in this new year.

Humbly yours,

Oh Snap

That is all.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

i hate change

since when are felt tip pens referred to as "pourous point pens?"

i appreciate the alliteration, but seriously.


While ordering my favorite item at Moe's this afternoon, I was struck by how strange the words that were coming out of my mouth would sound if taken out of context:

"I'll take an ugly naked guy with a hard shell and pinto beans."

Funny stuff. I remember the first time Chris and I went to Moe's. We lived in Birmingham at the time and had never heard of Moe's. It moved into the space vacated by the ghetto Burger King that was close to my office. We decided to try it out one day. So, we walk in and are immediately unsettled by the counter attendants screaming WELCOME TO MOE'S! Then we looked at the menu and said, "What the hell is a Joey Bag of Donuts?" Actually, truth be told, I got a little excited because nothing sounds better to me than a bag of donuts, especially Krispy Kreme. KK, represent! And don't give me this crap about how Dunkin Donuts are better. Or how DD has better coffee. Who the hell goes to a donut place for coffee? But I digress. Long story short, we walked out of Moe's. It was too overwhelming. Years later, it's one of my favorite places.

In other news, I was told by someone at work today that I was "wonderful" because I fixed his Outlook. Does he know that I simply googled his problem, cut and pasted the fix in an email, and hit send? Follow along while I hash out the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Jennifer kicks Bob's dog. Bob is mad. Bob either kicks Jennifer in retaliation or calls some some animal protection agency. Images of Jennifer end up on the 11 o'clock news above the subtitle: "Evil Lesbian Dog Kicker."

Scenario 2: Jennifer turns off pop-up blocker so that Bob can browse his "adult" sites unencumbered. Jennifer then kicks Bob's dog. Bob hugs Jennifer, professes his love, then hoists her on his shoulders running her up and down the street in an impromptu parade. Bob's dog is pissed.

I certainly don't object to being called wonderful though. I'll take what I can get.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Oh the humanity...

I just realized that while loudly streaming WHAM! on my laptop that my office door was cracked. Which means, that the nice Hispanic cleaning crew just outside my door now thinks I'm a complete dork.

I heard them laughing and whispering something that loosely translates to, "Wake me up before you go go, you triangle headed gringo...1986 was soooooo 20 years ago."



This is completely random, but I just had to share. I work for an auditing firm, and part of my job is to take the auditor's meager attempt at expressing the human language in written form and turn it into something actually understandable to the average taxpayer. I don't get paid enough, believe me. So, I'm sitting here doing just that, and I come across an example of something that drives me absolutely up the wall. I thought I would share. Some jurisdictions refer to their account numbers as PPINs, which stands for Personal Property Identification Number. What I can't stand is when auditors write it as PPIN# 568493. WTF? N stands for number dumbass, you don't have to put the # after it!! Personal Property Identification Number Number??

The things I have to put up with...