Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Guilty Feet Have Got No Rhythm

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Default Photo Pose, The Remix

August 2008
Oh, and can I just point out that I'm not the only one with a default photo pose. Mmmmkay?
Monday, September 08, 2008
My Windows Are Clean...Fresh As A Summer's Breeze
The window in our shower was the catalyst. Yes, I said the window in our shower...our house was built before the days of central heat and air, so the only way to ventilate was to open a window. Years of water splashing on a wood frame window...wood rot, people. It's a concern. We had resorted to duct taping a huge blue plastic recycling bag over the window to prevent further damage. We are nothing if not classy.
Fast forward to today...I was talking to my sister over IM and mentioned the windows and she said, send pictures! So, I went snapping away and made sure to get a good picture of the one in the bathroom. I uploaded them to Snapfish and was ready to apply witty captions such as ("Bathroom window: Before," "Bathroom window: After") when something caught my eye. Take a good look and see if you see it...
Give up? Let me help you...THERE'S A BIG OL' BOTTLE OF SUMMER'S EVE FEMININE WASH IN THE SHOWER CADDY!! Can't talk your eyes off it now, can you? And it's not just any bottle of feminine wash, it a super-sized bottle that we bought at Costco cause it's cheaper, AND it's UPSIDE DOWN for easy dispensing.
I was about to send this to friends/family/co-workers/the mailman. Oh the humanity!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Skinny Lesbian No Match for Sasquatch, News at 11

It's good to be loved...

Please, oh please update your blog soon, Jennifer. If not, we will be forced to do other work.

Ladies, ladies...don't you cry. I promise to blog soon...very soon. Show ya right.
Did you hear that?!?! A blog coming soon!! Now we have a reason to go on! Yippee!!!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
saw this on and it made me laugh out loud ***UPDATE***

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Pageants, George Michael, Malls, Lesbians...
me: i know you have pageant issues from the unfortunate miss clawson incident
me: however
pinto: you want me to sign up for a pageant?
me: no, you've already won
me: sort of
me: that whore
me: where is she now?
me: in the gutter addicted to meth?
me: anyways
me: you are first runner be my chaperone to the george michael concert
me: if cj is not able to fulfill her duties
me: like if she comes down with e coli or some shit
me: i'm assuming that your silence means that you are overcome
pinto: i’m honored and speechless.
pinto: um, i am learning that perhaps there are conditions here?
pinto: like, responsibilities?
me: well, yeah
me: first
me: i might cry
me: so, you'll have to deal with that
me: second, i may require that you slow dance with me during "careless whisper"
me: no...take the may out...that's a definite
pinto: i see.
me: third, you can't make fun of the way he says faith-a-faith-a-faith-a
pinto: chris says that perhaps i would be allowed to find a suitable, hopefully gay, mail suitor for your dancing needs?
me: :(
me: k
pinto: i will accept these conditions.
pinto: perhaps
pinto: i can also have a parade in my honor, as first runner up
pinto: and ride in the back of the miata
pinto: like i did in 1994
me: i can see it now...
me: we could blast a gm song from the stereo
me: your theme
me: i'll have to think on what your theme is
pinto: ok
me: in other news...did chris tell you of my embarrassing mall experience?
pinto: no
me: did you have a chance to read my blog?
pinto: yes, good lord you are funny
me: why thank you
me: ok, so i went to the mall to buy a work-appropriate outfit
me: and i became overwhelmed
me: i hate the mall
me: i went into dillard's and was like, "who wears this shit?"
me: i went into the gap and thought i was in a freaking runway show
me: where are the khakis?
me: so, i was feeling all down
me: cause none of this stuff is me
me: and i round the corner of a certain dept store
me: and see a nice table of khakis
me: and POLOS
me: white ones
me: blue ones
me: black ones
pinto: jen central
me: YES
me: then i looked up
me: ...
pinto: men's section?
me: worse
me: juniors...still not that bad
me: wait for it
me: school uniform section
pinto: oh no
me: :/
pinto: hahahahahahahahaha
me: that may turn into a blog
me: and i was thinking...i'm not a bad dresser
me: i'm no fashionista
me: i have a very classic americana preppy lesbian look
pinto: they really just need to have a lesbian store.
me: yes
me: the way the fucking gap used to be
pinto: nothing but polos and jeans, some men's, some women's, plain t-shirts, cargo shorts
pinto: nothing floral, no skirts or dresses
pinto: perhaps even a little rack in the corner for that has some t-shirts with embroidered cats on them
me: lol
me: rainbow cats
pinto: like 6 of them, each a different color
pinto: and on the end of the rack can be some fanny packs
me: we should do this
me: instead of big & tall...dyke & butch
pinto: it's gotta have a more subtle name - i would never shop at dyke & butch
me: no no no
me: that would just be a section
pinto: ah, i see
me: i have my pride too
pinto: "the other kind of girl"
me: girls who like [blog edit]
me: too much?
pinto: very subtle
me: sorry...i think my starbux had an extra shot
me: you're better at subtle anyway
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Putting the Casual Back in Business Casual...

I am NOTHING if not professional in those.
But alas, my boss is coming into the office unexpectedly, and I packed nothing but my jeans, 4 cans of heavy starch, and a commercial-grade iron. Oh well, guess I'll have to go Chatta-shopping tonite.
And in keeping with the theme, GM is in 2 days. Woot! I bet George Michael can wear jeans any time he damn well pleases. Shaking your ass next to a juke box in a pair of chinos would just be silly.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The girl may have a point.
This picture was taken on my birthday. Did the large candle topped confection in front of me give it away? And don't hate on my cookie cake. Yes, I am aware that no one has ordered a cookie cake since 1987. I'm bringing it back, people, and Great American Cookies was glad to have the business. Times are tough. But I digress. On to...
Exhibit B:
This picture was taken last night at my delayed birthday celebration at B & C's. They were conveniently in Miami being chorus rock stars or some shit on my true birthday. I made them throw me a party when they got back. Again, with the digression.
The photos are strikingly similar. Let's review:
- The smile is very similar.
- My head is cocked slightly to the left in both.
- Hands are clasped in both.
- The same piece of hair has crept out from behind my left shoulder in both.
- My hair is parted in the same place...let's be honest people...that part hasn't moved in 20 years and it's not moving anytime soon.
- Apparently, pink is my summer color.
- I have terrible posture in both.
Eery. I might submit these photos to Highlights magazine for a future installment of "spot the differences" That's right...I said, Highlights. Don't hate. Goofus & Gallant...I'm bringin' it back.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Change I Can't Fit In

Apparently, when the description indicated "sizes tend to run slightly small," it really meant, "get a large, fatty."
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mocha, Take the Wheel
Of course, that's the first thing I do when I get to the Chatta-office. Here's the rub...if I'm honest and tell them their coffee tastes like crap and I only get it because there's no Chatta-ternative, I ain't winning no $1,000. It's just like the Publisher's Clearning House sweepstakes. No purchase necessary my ass. You're not getting that $1,000,000 unless you are up to your armpits in Field & Stream and Better Homes & Gardens.
So, as much of a betrayal as it is to my beloved DG...I have to admit that I kissed a little Starbucks ass to get a shot at the $1,000.
I feel so dirty.
I did draw the line however when asked to rate on a scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree whether or not I found my visit to Starbucks "uplifting." (I kid you not.) It's coffee, people, not, I mean Jesus.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Random Thoughts...
Walking into Target and realizing that of the 7 items that make up your outfit, 5 were purchased at Target. This is about as cool as wearing your favorite band's t-shirt to their concert. In other words, it's not. Whilst shopping today, I tried to keep moving so people wouldn't think I was a mannequin.
Realizing that even though the new fast food craze is to greet drive-thru customers with, "How are you today?" instead of "Can I take your order?", doesn't really mean that the 16 year-old working the drive thru really wants to know how my day is going nor does she want me to return the favor.
Taco Bell Representative: How are you today?Me: Just fine, thank you. How are you?
Taco Bell Rep: Hello?
Me: Hello?
Taco Bell Rep: ::Exasperated sigh:: Go 'head with your order."
It is true that blaring good music in your headphones and singing along at the top of your lungs into a shampoo bottle make cleaning the bathroom a much more pleasant experience; however, it is worthy to mention that your skiddish puppy dog might not agree. If such behavior is necessary, it is wise to set aside additional time afterwards to explain to the puppy dog that Mama did not say to knock her out, and that I am not required to save the world, let alone in only 4 minutes.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

::GASP:: You commute to CHATTANOOGA??? ::GASP::
Get it out of your system, people. Yes, I commute to Chattanooga. I could go through all the reasons why it's not as bad as it seems, but truly, it becomes exhausting. As long as it's ok with me and my girl (and so far, it is), no explanation is needed.
But that little rant isn't the reason for my blog post today. This post is about Chatta-isms. Spending a few days a week in a new city is interesting. Chattanooga isn't all that new to me...I mean, I had been here several times before for work. And even before that Chattanooga was a tourist destination in the Tennessee Valley. The aquarium in downtown (this was before the Atlanta know, the place where the fishes go to die), the Chattanooga choo choo, oh, and Ruby Falls. Ruby Falls, Ruby Falls. You can drive within 500 miles of Chattanooga and see signs for Ruby Falls. Ruby Damn Falls ain't nothing but an underground waterfall with a red light shining on it. But I still bought the bird house with "See Ruby Falls" painted on it.
But I digress.
On to the Chatta-isms, or words/phrases I use to describe my new found home away from home.
- Chatta-lesbian - Weeble wobbles who sleep with other weeble wobbles, wear long shorts, and sport their Vols hat backwards. I saw a couple in Target the other day. They looked at me as if to say, "What are you lookin' at straighty?" I took offense. Who says a lesbian can't pull off an argyle cardigan?
- Chatta-Moe's - The best damn Moe's on the planet. I've been twice and am VERY impressed. Also impressive is the fact that the employees are caucasian females. It has been my experience that the closer you are in ethnicity to the food you are preparing, the better the food will be. (Racist? I don't think so.) So, I was worried to see young white female teenagers about to prepare my Unanimous Decision. (Side note: can Moe's make up their damn minds about what they want to call a vegetarian taco? 'Cause I just got Ugly Naked Guy memorized, and they changed it! Hey, I know, hows about calling it a VEGETARIAN TACO. Geesh.) But, much to my surprise, the food was outstanding. White girls hooked it up, mmmm-KAY?
- Chatta-hobby - what I need to get. Currently, it's shopping. And that's bad. The area I'm in has a mall about 100 feet from the office, and a new Target, Wal-Mart, and Old Navy just down the road. Hmmm, should I sit in the room and watch TV....or go shopping?
- Chatta-fuel-ga - yeah, that's a bit of a stretch. But gas is cheaper here, and I could kick myself that I didn't fill up yesterday when it was $3.59/gallon. It jumped up to $3.67 today. BASTARDS! People, that's $1.20 right down the ol' drain. Which brings me to:
- Chatta-highway-robbery - The $2.50 I spent on a Baby Ruth and a Coke last night at the hotel vending machine. That's ok, I make up for it by stealing all the little shampoos, conditioners, body wash, lotions, note pads, pens, Bibles, towels, remote controls, wall art, Please Do No Disturb signs, and wall mounted hair driers. Bolt cutters come in handy.
- Chatta-nental-breakfast - I have yet to experience the breakfast at the hotel. I walk by it every morning and think, I should get something, it's free! But I don't. This morning, I decided against it because there were a bunch of boys in there. I would guess that they were part of the Kleenex sponsored racing team (I saw the big trailer parked in the parking lot last night)...they just had that racing look. And I had two laptops with me, so I couldn't very well juggle 2 laptops, a bowl of frosted flakes, a banana, a cereal bar, a cup of strawberry yogart, and apple juice. Maybe next time.
I will be adding to this list as I experience more of The Scenic City (the official nickname...needs work, I think.)
Your humble Chatta-blogger.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Not just any fast food, but McDonald's. And not just any McDonald's, but the first McDonald's ever constructed in my hometown. It's the trifecta, people, and I'm not happy.
It seems that under the guise of progress, the owners of the first established McDonald's in Huntsville, AL have decided to remodel. That in itself is no crime. However, as part of the renovation, they are removing the original sign, a freaking LANDMARK of the Huntsville skyline.
This sign has been there since 1963. And my research tells me that it's one of two still in operation. And now it's being torn down to be shipped to a vintage sign museum in Ohio. Ohio? WTF?Sigh. I know that things change. And I know it's just a sign. And if I'm perfectly honest, it never was my favorite McDonald's and I haven't been there in years. But it was just the idea that it was so unique, and one of the things that made my hometown, MY hometown. And now, it's gone. To Ohio. (WHY OHIO!?) There is a similarly nostalgiac sign at the Arby's across town.
(Full disclosure, that is not the actual sign.)
If I get wind that they are even thinking of tearing it down, fast forward to me chaining myself to it.
So yesterday, I decided to go to McDonald's for lunch. In addition to my usual cheeseburger, large fry, and medium Coke...I purchased one small orange drink (no ice). After I got my order, I pulled to the front, exited my car, said a few words, and poured one out for the loss of my childhood and my homie Speedee.
RIP, brother.