Friday, October 19, 2007

who knew

i am obsessed with pink.

and not the color.

i go through phases where i fixate on a song and play it...non-stop. as in put it on repeat and leave it on all day. i did that a couple of weeks ago with pink's "who knew" and kanye west's "stronger." i listened to those 2 songs continuously all day long. and i never got tired of them. it's weird.

don't you hate it when you love a song and can't sing it? like physically can't hit the notes. i hate that. i wish i had pink's voice...all rhaspy and such. once after i had the flu, my voice came close. too bad it didn't stick.

i also like pink because when she sings, she gestures the words. like when she sings when someone said three years from now, she holds up 3 fingers. when she sings, i'd stand up and punch them out, she balls up a fist. i do that. on 285. people think i'm flipping them off probably. but i'm not. i'm singing with my fingers.

just like pink.

who knew?


Anonymous said...

I think you were doing that way before Pink was. She prolly stole it from you.

Jennifer said...

Nothing says pressure like the Messiah reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey I heard you had a letter to the dairy farmers of america, where is it?