Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dekalb Sanitation Department, 1 - Jennifer, 0 --- For Now

In an earlier blog post, I shared my excitement over the purchase of a new garbage can. My giddiness, however, was tainted with bewilderment over how exactly to dispose of my old decrepit garbage can with the bent wheel axle and salmonella-infused homemade rope handle. Today was my first attempt to throw away said sad can.

Free Trash Can to Good Home
Garbage Man, Please Take

Pretty straight-forward, right? I even put a little "Not Recyclable" symbol with a sad face, so that I wouldn't be judged by the more rabid environmentalist residents of unincorporated Dekalb County. I wheeled my cans to the curb last night; my new can full of garbage and my sad can with its sharpied sign. Imagine my glee this afternoon upon returning from errand-running to see only my new can sitting by the curb with its lid in the upright position...the universal santitation worker symbol..."we picked up yo' garbage, come get yo' can!" But oh, blog readers, what did I spy when I reached the curb:

Not only did they NOT pick up sad can, they took my sign and hid the can behind a bush! Read my lips, blog readers:


1 comment:

Cynthia said...

oh no they didn't!