Friday, January 12, 2007

Yes, she was cold...can I gouge my eyes out now?

So, I was minding my own business this morning, pulling out of my driveway on my way to work. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a human figure standing on the corner at the house across the street from mine. I didn't think anything of it since there is a Marta bus stop in our yard (I know you're green with envy), so it's not unusual to see people standing there. However, as I pause to place my car into drive, my focus grows, and I realize that the figure is a woman who doesn't appear to be wearing pants. As I drive closer, I exclaim out loud, "She's only wearing her underwear!" When I'm right up on her, I realize that this woman is wearing a bathing suit and has no shoes on. She has a bag or something at her feet as if, indeed, she is waiting for the bus. Now, I'm a very practical person, so I try to rationalize this. Maybe she's going to the Y to swim, and she just couldn't be bothered with clothing? Is she training for the "Polar Bear Club," those crazy people who go swimming in the ocean in the dead of winter? Did she have a nervous breakdown while waiting for her carport and fence to be repaired after an unfortunate accident 2 months prior? These thoughts were really bugging me until I get an email from B stating a similarly odd situation. Apparently, on her way to work, on the corner of Peacthree and 14th, she saw a man in bermuda shorts, t-shirt, lei, straw hat, and sunglasses.

It all makes sense now: these two obviously have vacation plans in some tropical locale and are meeting at the airport. Makes sense in my pragmatic head, and I'm sticking to that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I didn't mention in my email was the the guy in the bermuda shorts was carrying a small sign saying something about global warming. Is there some grass roots protest going on today?